The congregation makes plans to move back to the Parish Church in September!

R.J. Pinnock and Sons will have largely completed the West End Development Project by the first week in September and will be followed on site by Bishops of Ipswich, who will be rebuilding and tuning the organ. 

The congregation is invited to help clean the church in preparation for our return on Sunday 22nd September.  Please reserve either the morning or afternoon of Saturday 14 or the afternoon of Sunday 15 September to help with this task, confirming this by signing up on the sheet on the noticeboard in the Village Hall or by sending an email to the church secretary.  These cleaning sessions coincide with this year’s Ride and Stride event so, of course, some of you may be cycling for the Cambridgeshire Historic Churches Trust. 

Please note that Sunday services on 1st, 8th and 15th September will continue at the Village Hall, starting at 10.30am.