Madingley Church Wardens

Elizabeth Seale (centre) with Church Wardens for 2020-21
Jo Wallace-Hadrill and Tony Conway

At the Annual Parochial Church Meeting held on Sunday 23rd August
Jo Wallace-Hadrill and Tony Conway were elected to serve as church wardens for 2020-2021.  Our thanks and congratulations to them both.

Professor Andrew Wallace-Hadrill (Lay Chair of the PCC) and Dr Sara Day (PCC member) make a presentation to Elizabeth Seale.

After the meeting the congregation took the opportunity to mark the retirement of Elizabeth Seale who had stepped down as Church Warden and to thank her for all she has contributed to the life of the church since 1963.  Elizabeth was Enrolling Member for the Madingley Mother’s Union, supported her husband Dick when he was Church Warden and Secretary over many years and, thankfully, continues to provide her prayer ministry, friendship and support to the congregation.